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About Susan Frederick
Faith Family Freedom
Susan cares about the Constitutions, both federal and State, that ought to be followed. She knows how this de facto government is operating to undermine our freedoms. She will do the courageous things needed to push back on those who want to take away our freedom.
A vote for Susan Frederick is a vote for Liberty!
Tulsa History
Susan is a lifetime Oklahoman residing at her current home in now District 3 for 39 years...
She has a passion for the community and for its rich history...

Her grandmother, who was born in 1910, went to school at 11th & Lynn Lane. Her great grandfather was Chief of Police in 1907. Her father was Chaplain for the Tulsa Police Department.

Christian faith, staunch Supporter of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence.

These photos are at the famous iconic Route 66 Firestation at 11th & 145th E Avenue in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Character
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